Allergies come in a variety of forms and can affect people to varying degrees. They can either be a minor nuisance or cause potentially life threatening problems. Regardless, it is important to know what they are, how they manifest, and what you may be able to do to resolve problems with them.
Mold Allergies
If you’re allergic to mold, breathing in mold spores causes your immune system to overreact. You will experience coughing, itchy eyes, or other symptoms that make you feel sick. A mold allergy can also be linked to asthma in some people.
There are many molds that grow in your home, but only certain kinds cause allergies. The most common of these include alternaria, aspergillus, cladosporium, and penicillium. They cause an overly sensitive immune system to produce histamine, triggering itchy/watery eyes, runny nose, and sneezing.
Mold thrives in moist, damp areas in your home. Eliminate dampness and moisture from surfaces and from the air. This is the best way to lessen you and your family’s exposure to airborne mold. Here are a few ways to help you do so:
- Use a dehumidifier to lower humidity to less than 50%.
- Clean up wet spots caused by leaky pipes, water seepage during rainstorms, and flood damage. Keep your kitchen and bathrooms clean and dry.
- Adequate ventilation is key to keeping your house moisture free. Tight windows and door seals tend to trap moisture indoors, creating the conditions for mold to grow.
Pet Allergies
One of the most common types of indoor allergies is unfortunately pet allergies. Though they are adorable, fluffy, and full of love, some times people may end up finding out that they have a minor to severe allergy relating to their four legged friends.
Pet dander is the culprit in most of these unpleasant symptoms. The dead flakes of skin that dogs and cats shed daily is what causes these reactions. Pets also produce allergens from their saliva, urine, and feces. Cats cause allergies because of the Fel d 1 protein produced by their skin, saliva, and sebaceous glands.
In dogs, it’s the Can f 1 and Can f 2 protein that trigger allergic reactions. These microscopic pet allergens remain suspended in the air for long periods of time. They easily stick to furniture, bedding, and fabrics.
Dogs and cats aren’t the only pets that create allergens. Rodent pets such as hamsters, gerbils, mice, and guinea pigs do, too. The ones you don’t have to worry about don’t have fur, such as fish or reptiles.
Typical cat, dog, and pet allergy symptoms often include:
- sneezing
- runny nose
- asthma-like wheezing
- difficulty breathing
There are other more unpleasant symptoms that those suffering from pet related allergies could suffer as well. Pet allergy sufferers may also experience the following:
- facial pressure and pain
- frequent awakening at night
- swollen, blue-colored skin under the eyes
- Inflamed skin - causing raised red patches, eczema, and itchy skin
The best way to avoid pet allergy is to not have a pet around the house. If you do decide to keep a pet, there are medications you can take to help relieve symptoms. Also remember to keep your home as clean and dust free as you can. Air conditioners and quality air purifiers will do a good job of keeping your indoor air fresh, clean, and pure.
Dust Mite Allergies
As you might have guessed, dust mites live in household dust. They are close relatives to ticks and spiders, but are too small to be seen without a microscope. However, you will know they are there if you experience dust mite allergy symptoms like:
- sneezing
- runny nose
- asthmatic wheezing
- breathing is difficult
It’s not the dust mites themselves that cause the allergy in people, but the feces and decaying bodies of the mites. Dust mites live on the skin cells shed by people, and thrive in warm, humid surroundings. The optimal environments for dust mites in your home include bedding, upholstered furniture, and carpeting.
To control dust mites, keep the humidity in your home low. That coupled with regular and thorough house cleaning, especially in the bedroom, is the key to controlling dust mites.

- Use allergen-proof bed covers.
- Wash bedding weekly.
- Keep relative humidity below 50% in your home.
- Remove dust regularly to prevent it from getting into the air.
- Vacuum regularly using a cleaner with a double-layered microfilter bag or a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter to decrease dust emissions from the cleaner.
- Cut clutter around the house as knickknacks, books/magazines, and table top ornaments collect dust.
- Install a high efficiency media filter in your home furnace and air conditioner.
- Get a filter with a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) of 11 or 12 and leave the fan on to create a whole house air filter. With the fan turned on, the air inside your home circulates and the filter traps the airborne particles.
Pollen Allergies
Pollen allergies are caused by outdoor and indoor allergens, including pollen. Symptoms occur when your immune system misidentifies pollen as harmful. This causes the release of histamines in your bloodstream, leading to the misery of hay fever.
Symptoms for pollen related allergies can include (but are not limited to):
- Runny nose
- Itchy eyes
- Congestion
- Sneezing
- Sinus pressure
Hay fever sufferers know that you can’t completely avoid pollen in the air. However, there are simple things that you can do to minimize the amount of pollen in your home. The Mayo Clinic suggests:
- Close the doors and windows during pollen season.
- Don’t put laundry on the line outside as pollen can stick to sheets and towels.
- Use air conditioning in your house.
- Use an allergy-grade filter in your home ventilation system.
- Reduce humidity indoors with a humidifier.
- Use a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter in rooms you spend the most time in.
- Wear a dust mask when house cleaning.
Relieve Allergy Symptoms with an Air Health Haven Whole House Purifier!
When you are dealing with indoor allergies, regardless of the degree to which you are affected by them, having a constant supply of clean air flowing through your ductwork is important. It can make a whole world
of difference in the way you breathe and live. One of the best ways you can get that is by installing an Air Health Haven Whole House Purifier in your home's ductwork!
The Air Health Haven Whole House Purifiers uses a modern UV germicidal lightbulb to constantly attack and neutralize more than 99% of organic airborne toxins, like germs, viruses, bacteria, and contaminants responsible for allergy related problems.
When it comes to purchasing an Air Health Haven Whole House Purifiers, there are numerous benefits that make doing so very worth doing so. From improving the overall air quality in your home, to making indoor allergies less of a problem, to even saving you some serious money, an Air Health purifier can do a lot to enrich your home!
Some of these benefits include:
- Sterilizes and neutralizes most airborne contaminants
- Save on Energy Costs
- Helps reduce asthma and allergy irritants
- Keeps AC coil free from organic toxins
- Energy efficient, low energy consumption
- Enables AC to work more efficiently
When it comes to purchasing an Air Health Haven Whole House Purifiers, there are numerous benefits that make doing so very worth doing so. From improving the overall air quality in your home, to making indoor allergies less of a problem, to even saving you some serious money, an Air Health purifier can do a lot to enrich your home!
Some of these benefits include:
- Sterilizes and neutralizes most airborne contaminants
- Save on Energy Costs
- Helps reduce asthma and allergy irritants
- Keeps AC coil free from organic toxins
- Energy efficient, low energy consumption
- Enables AC to work more efficiently
There are a wide variety of useful features that come along with an Air Health Haven Whole House Air Purifier. These make it incredibly easy to install, operate, maintain, and afford.
These useful features from the Air Health Haven Whole House Air Purifiers include:
- Easy and simple lamp replacement
- Compact design to fit conveniently into tight spaces
- Does not produce ozone
- Built-in twist and lock safety switch
- Includes all the parts required for installation
- Plugs into a standard 120 Volt outlet
Buy an Air Health Haven Whole House Air Purifier to Reduce Allergy Problems Today!
Indoor allergies can be a big pain to deal with, but there is a way to make things easier. Buy an Air Health Haven Whole House Air Purifier here right now, and in almost no time at all you and/or your loved one(s) can breathe way easier than before with a constant supply of fresh, clean air throughout your home!